Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 5:56 pm

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Firstly, please read the 'Rules' subforum before posting. I don't want to sound like a boring strict cliché, but five minutes of rule reading will save you from permanent humiliation and hatred.

Nerds ain't allowed here, btw. Smart people are welcome, but there is a line between smart people and nerds. Smart people are intelligent. Nerds have no life. Any nerd who tries to attempt to join will get ranked 'Nerd' and all of the other users will be given permission to make fun of them. So if you're a totally dorky fucking nerd, go away from this site and cut yourself like nerds usually do. :D

YOU MUST ALSO BE 12 OR OVER TO JOIN. This site has some fucking naughty words, and 8 year olds like your mom running around the place ain't going to help our very immature discussions ;-; I don't hate under 12s, but they're too young for this site. We can't be fucked to raise kids to be swearin' rebelicious badamans.

ALSO, DON'T JOIN JUST TO TROLL US. Especially if you're joining because of those trolling rumors about this site which ain't true. We do insult each other jokingly, but we can't have people on here who insult us for real, or lurk on the site looking for reasons to hate us.

You can also only join if you've been recruited by one of us. Random signups will not be accepted. The whole point of this forum is so we can release stress and opinions in the comfort of a small community made up of close friends, and a ton of random members won't help us at all.

Finally, by clicking the 'I Agree to these terms' button, you will enter the door to the most disgusting journey in your life. You will probably be insulted the minute you start posting, unless you're super cool, which you're probably not. Enjoy yer stay :3